The founders :
Re fundia’s platform is a marketplace for Security Tokens that unlocks impact financing for businesses and cooperatives by tokenising debt in the form of Security Tokens

Eric Menseau
Co-fondateur & CEO
Marketing-Com Director and Business developer
Orange – Cooperative U

Jeremy André
Co-fondateur & CTO
Expert in Blockchain and
Application development
Mate Social Dating – POI
Our supervisory committee :
To ensure a quality service, we have surrounded ourselves with experts in line with our vision.

Cedric Tessier
Founder & CEO Fintech, Crypto, NFT, Web3 Co-Founder
Dedicated cash flow financing solution for SMEs

Olivier Geoffray
DG D&Cmf - Groupe EXPONENS
Former Head of Compliance of Société Générale International Retail Banking

Nicolas Couet
Directeurs des achats de grands acteurs industriels
(Yazaki, Renault, Faurecia)
Ex-consultant Arthur Andersen

Michel Hussher
CEO CAJUBA Finance, BA, Entrepreneur investor in Voodoo
Innonouveau Solution Programme
French/American for Strat-Up

Eric Pradier
Co-fondateur & président Digspin, - Business Angel's
International executive in IT and Telecoms